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Types of Interpretation: From Simultaneous to Remote Solutions

Types of Interpretation
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Interpretation is the art of verbally translating any spoken or sign language into the preferred language of an audience. This function is mostly performed by a professional interpreter who is native to more than one language. This provides real-time communication to the audience, aligning with the actual speed of the information that is being delivered. 

This allows the audience to grasp the exact context without missing the essence of the topic being discussed. The traditional interpretation involves providing onsite interpretation services, however, with the advent of Covid the world is slowly moving towards remote interpretation as well. Although there are just two main formats for conducting interpretation, their nature varies.  

The most practiced forms of interpretation are simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, but include others as well such as Over Phone Interpretation, Video Remote Interpretation (VRI), and Whisper Interpretation. 

The type of interpretation best suited to your needs depends on various things including the nature and type of the business/industry, the use of jargon or industry-specific words, the type of audience, etc. Before you decide what type of interpreting services you may need, let’s first understand the difference between these types of interpreting services. 

Simultaneous Interpretation: Real-Time Interpretation for Dynamic Events

Also known as simultaneous or concurrent interpretation, is a unique practice that demands complete and highly accurate oral translation with a very short lag time. This requires the interpreter to deliver the interpretation at the rate of speech to the speaker to provide the exact conversion of speech from one language to another. 

Simultaneous interpretation requires the interpreter to be an expert. The interpreter must translate from one language to another along with simultaneously comprehending the speech and context of the spoken content in real time. Here the interpreter is expected to have prior industry-specific knowledge so that interpretations are delivered by the preferences and terminology of the speaker.

Simultaneous interpreting is one of the most in-demand interpreting services. It is popular amongst large organizations such as the United Nations and is also frequently used by MNCs for their business and committee meetings. 

Simultaneous interpreters must be able to distinguish between primary and secondary information, activate their short-term memory, and replicate the speech into the target language in real-time. Additionally, they must also possess the ability to anticipate what the speaker might say next. This is especially useful when the source language has a different syntactical structure than the target language. 

As Simultaneous Interpretation provides real-time interpretation and is physically and mentally exhausting, as per industry standards, it is always conducted in pairs. To manage the workload of the assignments and facilitate smooth interpretation, interpreters work in teams of two on both onsite and remote interpretation assignments. 

Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI): Bridging Language Gaps Virtually

The Covid-19 pandemic shifted the world towards digitalization sparking a rise in Remote Simultaneous Interpretation services. Remote Simultaneous Interpretations are conducted under a remote setting by employing web-conferencing technologies. A third-party web conferencing system such as Zooms, Teams, etc. is utilized to provide simultaneous interpretation. 

Although technical, RSI involves utilizing the live audio and video feeds of these web conferencing platforms to deliver real-time interpretation to support multilingual events. This virtual interpretation supported by web conferencing technology allows interpreters, participants, and speakers to connect to events in their preferred language in a remote setting. 

Moreover, remote simultaneous interpretation also grants great flexibility as interpreters and participants can join the meeting or session from anywhere. It also limits the need for heavy equipment that is usually employed during interpretation sessions such as interpretation booths, transmitters, receivers, and headphones. However, this flexibility may come at a cost as interpreters, speakers, and participants may face internet and time-zone issues. 

Consecutive Interpretation: Accurate Interpretation in Segments

In consecutive interpretation, the interpreter waits for the speaker to finish their speech before interpreting the language to the other party. The speakers in consecutive interpretations will speak and take intervals for the interpretation to take place. It is generally bi-directional and allows back-and-forth communication between multiple parties. 

Consecutive interpreters must possess a strong memory and note-taking skills to ensure no details are inadvertently missed out. With consecutive interpretation, interpreters must enlist all the contents of the speech and stay organized to deliver smooth and idiomatic interpretation. 

No special equipment is required for this type of interpretation and is ideal for one-on-one conversations or small group meetings. Consecutive interpreting is popularly used in legal proceedings, medical appointments, and business meetings. 

Over-the-phone Interpretation: Instant Access to Language Support

In situations when in-person interpretation is not possible, phone-based interpretation takes place. Clients can receive either consecutive or simultaneous interpretation facilitated over the phone. Although both methods are available to clients, consecutive interpretation tends to be used more commonly in over-the-phone interpreting. 

This type of interpretation is ideal for businesses that require on-demand interpreting services to facilitate deals or when assisting international clients. Over-the-phone interpreters are frequently demanded by medical and legal fields, especially when dealing with clients or patients who have limited proficiency in the native language. This form of interpreting service can be provided quickly, and arranged within minutes of the request. 

Over-the-phone interpreters are skilled in being sensitive to different cultural backgrounds and dialects. This is especially important in the legal and corporate industry as the invisibility of the interpreter is particularly useful for maintaining confidentiality. For example, if your credit card transaction fails in a foreign country and contact the bank’s helpline to help- your bank might seek an on-demand interpreter connected over the phone to assist you. 

Video Remote Interpretation (VRI): Real-time Visual & Verbal Support

Video Remote Interpretation (VRI) provides a unique opportunity to connect with interpreters through a virtual web-conferencing platform. VRI is an ideal arrangement for immediate and real-time interpretation assistance. 

Video Remote Interpretation fills the gap between an onsite event and over-the-phone interpretations. Similar to over-the-phone interpretations, VRI services are also commonly used for consecutive interpretations where interpreters can assist organizations with their corporate meetings and presentations. This ensures a cost-effective solution for providing interpretation remotely, whereby additional costs such as on-site equipment and travel costs are eliminated while achieving the same quality of interpretation services. 

Moreover, this type of interpretation proves to be a great tool for the Deaf and Hard of hard-of-hearing communities, whereby diverse and inclusive organizations can connect with Sign Language Interpreters through Video Remote Interpretation. This will ensure that everyone is part of the conversation and no one misses out on any information. 

Whisper Interpretation: Discreet & Direct Interpretation

Also known as Chuchotage, is when interpreters provide interpretation by whispering parts of the spoken content to the attendee to facilitate communication across language barriers. Whisper Interpretation is similar to consecutive interpretation with one key difference: instead of using a microphone or headsets to communicate with the audience, interpretation is provided one-on-one or with a small group of attendees through whispers to avoid any disturbances.

Whisper Interpretations can also take the form of Simultaneous Interpretations if the interpreter is required to speak in parallel. This will require more than one interpreter to perform the interpretations. However, it is most commonly in line with Consecutive Interpretation where the speaker speaks in short segments and the interpreter translates in breaks by whispering to the attendee(s). 

This is best used in situations where there needs to be a balance of sensitive discussions and delicate situations. It can be used in diplomatic meetings or often used by heads of state where they require interpretation services without the need for interpretation equipment. 

Making the Right Choice: Our Final Take

Now that you have an understanding of the different forms of interpretations that exist, we will further explain how TransLinguist can assist your linguistic needs.  

By merging two different formats, TransLinguist Interactive has successfully managed to redesign the interpretation industry. Apart from combining Remote-Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) and Video-Remote Interpretation (VRI), TransLinguist Interactive offers an all-in-one platform that enables users to not only schedule their remote assignments but also allows them to book interpreters for onsite events. 

Our platform employs advanced algorithms to instantly connect our clients with interpreters within their time zones and proximity. This feature serves as a significant help to our clients as now they would not have to go through the hassle of finding, vetting, and booking interpreters for their onsite events. Therefore, TransLinguist Interactive aims to be that bridge that will efficiently and effectively connect interpreters and their clients smoothly via a few clicks. Contact us today to learn more about these services and how we can assist you. 

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